B.C. Binning, Convoy Under Way

On now at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria is Through the Looking Glass, an exhibition encompassing modern and contemporary art guest curated by Lee Plested. Drawn entirely from the AGGV's collection, Through the Looking Glass follows the narrative of Lewis Carroll's follow-up to Alice in Wonderland,  a topsy-turvy dream-world in which nothing is as it appears.

Lucio Fontana, Spatial Concept

The engaging, approachable exhibition eases viewers into the world of 20th century art; organized chapter-by-chapter, it can read on the surface as a direct translation of Carroll's story whilst also creating relationships of interest between local and international artists. Works by Edouard Manet, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Lucio Fontana, and Auguste Rodin are shown alongside those by Canadian artists Lawren Harris, Michael Morris, and Frederick Varley.

Through the Looking Glass runs through September 7th, 2014. Learn more.
